Tuesday, November 27, 2007



"Spiritual values transcend the material artifacts that we can touch and see. They take us into the realm of beauty, inspiration and love." -- Nido Qubein

"Motivation is always in direct proportion to the level of expectation." -- Denis Waitley

"Inspiration comes of working every day." -- Charles Baudelaire

"The greatest composer does not sit down to work because he is inspired, but becomes inspired because he is working." -- Ernest Newman

Copyrighted from Beliefnet

Monday, November 26, 2007

The Power of Dreams

Deep within each heart
There lies a magic spark
That lights the fire of our imagination
And since the dawn of man
The strenght of just "I can"
Has brought together people of all nations

There’s nothing ordinary
In the living of each day
There’s a special part
Every one of us will play

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
As the world gives us its best
To stand apart from all the rest
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

Your mind will take you far
The rest is just pure heart
You’ll find your fate is all your own creation
Every boy and girl
As they come into this world
They bring the gift of hope and inspiration

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

There’s so much strength in all of us
Every woman child and man
It’s the moment that you think you can’t
You’ll discover that you can

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

Feel the flame forever burn
Teaching lessons we must learn
To bring us closer to the power of the dream
The world unites in hope and peace
We pray that it will always be
It is the power of the dream that brings us here

The power of the dream
The faith in things unseen
The courage to embrace your fear
No matter where you are
To reach for your own star
To realize the power of the dream

The hottest songs from Celine Dion

KETIKA GUBUKKU TERBAKAR Satu-satunya orang yang selamat dari kecelakaan sebuah kapal, terdampar di pulau yang kecil dan tak berpenghuni. Pria ini segera berdoa supaya Tuhan menyelamatkannya, dan setiap hari dia mengamati langit mengharapkan pertolongan, tetapi tidak ada sesuatupun yang datang. Dengan capainya, akhirnya dia berhasil membangun gubuk kecil dari kayu apung untuk melindungi dirinya dari cuaca, dan untuk menyimpan beberapa barang yang masih dia punyai. Tetapi suatu hari, setelah dia pergi mencari makan, dia kembali ke gubuknya dan mendapati gubuk kecil itu terbakar, asapnya mengepul ke langit. Dan yang paling parah, hilanglah semuanya. Dia sedih dan marah. "Tuhan, teganya Engkau melakukan ini padaku?" dia menangis. Pagi- pagi keesokan harinya, dia terbangun oleh suara kapal yang mendekati pulau itu. Kapal itu datang untuk menyelamatkannya. "Bagaimana kamu tahu bahwa aku di sini?" tanya pria itu kepada penyelamatnya. "Kami melihat tanda asapmu", jawab mereka. Mudah sekali untuk menyerah ketika keadaan menjadi buruk. Tetapi kita tidak boleh goyah, karena Tuhan bekerja di dalam hidup kita, juga ketika kita dalam kesakitan dan kesusahan. Ingatlah, ketika gubukmu terbakar, mungkin itu "tanda asap" bagi kuasa Tuhan. Ketika ada kejadian negative terjadi, kita harus berkata pada diri kita sendiri bahwa Tuhan pasti mempunyai jawaban yang positif untuk kejadian tersebut Kamu berkata, "Itu tidak mungkin. Tuhan berkata, "Tidak ada hal yang tidak mungkin." (Lukas 18:27) Kamu berkata, "aku terlalu capai." Tuhan berkata, "Aku akan memberikan kelegaan padamu." (Matius 11:28) Kamu berkata, "Tidak ada seorangpun yang mencintai aku." Tuhan berkata, "Aku mencintaimu. " (Yohanes 3:16-Yohanes 13:34) Kamu berkata, "Aku tidak bisa meneruskan." Tuhan berkata, "Kasih karuniaKu cukup." (2 Korintus 12:9 -Mazmur91:15) Kamu berkata, "Aku tidak mengerti." Tuhan berkata, "Aku akan menuntun langkah-langkahmu. " (Amsal 3:5-6) Kamu berkata, "Aku tidak bisa melakukannya. " Tuhan berkata, "Kamu bisa melakukan semuanya." (Filipi 4:13) Kamu berkata, "Ini tidak berharga." Tuhan berkata, "Itu akan berharga." (Roma 8:28) Kamu berkata, "Aku tidak bisa memaafkan diriku sendiri." Tuhan berkata, "Aku memaafkanmu. " (1 Yohanes 1:9-Roma 8:1) Kamu berkata, "Aku tidak bisa mengatasi." Tuhan berkata, "Aku akan menyediakan kebutuhanmu. " (Filipi 4:19) Kamu berkata, "Aku takut." Tuhan berkata, "Aku tidak memberikan padamu roh ketakutan." (II Timotius1:7) Kamu berkata, "Aku selalu kuatir dan frustasi." Tuhan berkata, "Serahkan segala kekuatiranmu kepadaku." (I Petrus 5:7) Kamu berkata, "Aku tidak mempunyai iman yang kuat." Tuhan berkata, "Aku memberi setiap orang iman menurut ukurannya." (Roma12:3) Kamu berkata, "Aku tidak pandai." Tuhan berkata, "Aku memberikan padamu hikmat." (I Korintus 1:30) Kamu berkata, "Aku merasa aku sendirian." Tuhan berkata, "Aku tidak akan pernah meninggalkanmu atau membiarkanmu. " (Ibrani 13:5) Beritakan ini pada siapa yang membutuhkan, Saya percaya ada saat-saat dimana kita merasa "gubuk" kita terbakar

Saturday, November 24, 2007

What God want to Say......

I see myself as original, inspired and imaginative.

No matter what field you are in, face your fear. Every field has its own risk. The higher you are in, the higher the risk. So make sure you start from the small start to step on the peak of Mountain.

Starting an Inspiration Practice

Five ways to live each day 'in Spirit.' By Wayne Dyer

Excerpted from "Inspiration: Your Ultimate Calling," with permission of Hay House, Inc.

These daily practices will help you move toward Spirit in your thoughts and actions.

1. Commit to at least one daily experience where you share something of yourself with no expectation of being acknowledged or thanked. For example, before I begin my daily routine of exercise, meditation, or writing, I go to my desk and choose my gift for that day. Sometimes it’s just a phone call to a stranger who’s written to me, or perhaps I order flowers or send a book or present to someone who has helped me in a local store. On one occasion I wrote to the president of the university I graduated from to start a scholarship fund, on another day I took a calendar to the yard man, on another I sent a check to Habitat for Humanity, and on another I sent three rolls of postage stamps to my son who’d just started his own business. It doesn’t matter if this activity is big or small—it’s a way to begin the day in-Spirit.

2. Become conscious of all thoughts that aren’t aligned with your Source. The moment you catch yourself excluding someone or having a judgmental thought, say the words “in-Spirit” to yourself. Then make a silent effort to shift that thought to match up with Source energy.

3. In the morning before you’re fully awake, and again as you’re going to sleep, take one or two minutes of what I call “quiet time with God.” Be in a state of appreciation and say aloud, “I want to feel good.”

4. Remind yourself of this statement: My life is bigger than I am. Print it out and post it strategically in your home, car, or workplace. The “I” is your ego identification. Your life is Spirit flowing through you unhindered by ego—it’s what you showed up here to actualize—and is infinite. The “I” that identifies you is a fleeting snippet.
5. Dedicate your life to something that reflects an awareness of your Divinity. You are greatness personified, a resident genius, and a creative master—regardless of anyone’s opinion. Make a silent dedication to encourage and express your Divine nature.

Menjadi apapun kamu selalu ingat semua sifat2mu akan turun pada anak dan keturunanmu.

"When you seek God, His light will shine upon you"

God's Light shines upon this world through some people's heart whom are opened to Him.
Please shine in our hearts so we can light this world.

A choice is not really a choice, until you act upon it".

Interesting things in IMVU

I joined a 3D chat and I think its great way to improve friends.....some pics i upload here ^.^

join here http://imvu.com/catalog/web_invitation.php?userId=18862832&from=power-email

LOL...naked pics i got from a friend........

Thursday, November 22, 2007

What's Wrong with "SEX" Word ?

The title above looks a bit controversing. I dont mean to post any pornography here....Just.. I had a problem with some people who dislike to use it in any context, even an educational topic. While some people really love to use it anywhere, anytime. XD (laughing).........

Well...this is my story......

I met a lot people in a 3D chat. Most of them i met is really sex-minded person. They dont mind to just say like, "Are u horny?", "Do u like sex?", "Have webcam?".....bla bla bla bla...and many other annoying questions more........GrrrRR.......

I think those people really dont think anything except themselves...........they just want to have sex with you like a pig. And I dont want to talk with people like that.

The other people i met really different. They dont like any sentence contains "sex" word in it. Even if u say it in educational way. Like I said,"Ugh....I met many people here who are sex-minded...annoying." Then he just accused me,"So are we talking about sex now??"......What the &*$%.............. Hey, can u see the whole sentence, not only judging people from one word??

Or the other one who also unable to see the whole sentence too after I said this to him,"I agree that almost all things in the world that look like they are not usefull, they can be good and usefull depend on how we process them into productive things. But, I keep disagreing somethings like gambling, free"sex",drugs as candies, and many other things like that." I said that and he said something really made me mad and I decided no talk to him a while. He accused me I can't take my lose in Forex trading that's why I said that. I said i wasn't connecting Forex with my statement above. He said sorry it was just because he didn;t like that word: SEX WORD.

Yeah it is a sensitive word for everyone. Like I said I dont post pornography. And I think this is not a pornography. Yes it discuss about that word. But in other context. Please differ it from other. Some articles contain "sex" word or sentence contains that word dont always mean that it direct to pornography, and some those dont use that word can connect to that too.....like I said, question like,"Hey are u horny?", "Do u like to cum?", etc...etc...etc....>.<

Hello and Warm Welcome to Everyone

Hello this is a warm blog for everyone to come and see !

My name is Angela, and I want to welcome everyone here to review this blog. ^.^

This is a blog that allows everyone here to participate here or just hanging around here. I accept all discussions here, as long as it is not spam, pornography, racism, etc. If there is anyone who wants things like that....then go away! LOL.......okay..enjoy ur surf and have fun. If you want to post something on this blog, u can send ur writing to AngelicRoom@gmail.com. Thanks !